Friday 9 November 2012

Black Wolves Saga

GHJKLSFTHFYSBLJGFTHKLKJHFG I so love this otome game (>/////<) How can anything be so PERFECT?????? The art, The characters, the personalities, the yandere-ness, the crazy possessiveness, the damn bishies.... OMFG, I just...... *fangirling*

Anyways, here is a list of my top FAVE characters:

 Rath Vogart 

CV: Kaji Yuuki (Don't like Kaji's shouta voice at all =^= But when he voices the broken and sad Rath...HFUHJFHHJFGHHF (>////<) I LOVE RATHHHHH)


CV: Hosoya Yoshimasa (OMG his VOICE is....GHJGHJFJBK LOve His SoNgs!!)

Mejojo and Auger von Garibaldi

CV: Sakurai Takahiro & Yoshino Hiroyuki (Love these crazy twins... especially Auger)

Guillan Guinor

CV: Taniyama Kisho (OMG >< Love Guillans tsundere and yandere and crazy and childish and insane personality XDD)

Sunday 30 September 2012

Gekka Ryouran ROMANCE stuffz

The relationship chart

Other stuffz

Gekka Ryouran ROMANCE OP - Crazy 4 Me by Kano Aoi & Kano Atsumori


Sung by the two Forbidden princes OvO


Its such a great song that I actually downloaded it. I listen to it 24/7

Aoi-kun's voice is killer awesome...~~ *faints again*

Atsumori's voice is so-so >_>

Nothing too great...

Gekka Ryouran ROMANCE ED - My Fate by Kano Aoi

Finally a solo by Aoi-kun ^v^

His voice is..... *faints*

Whatever it is, I love it, and I,m downloading it

New Obsession

Gekka Ryouran Romance

Wheeeee~ This is my new obsession XDD The otome game Gekka Ryouran ROMANCE! The main reason why I love is is because of the kakoii yandere bishies in the game > <||| 

The storylines are great too, as well as the relationship development with the characters O_O

Anyways, there are 6 male playable characters, whom you (the heroine) Tsumori Nazuna, can choose from. I'm not gonna give away any spoilers here, but am just gonna share my obsession for these yandere princes. Among the 6 male characters, the ones that I am currently fangirling over is Kano Aoi >v<'' A.K.A The Yandere Prince. Kyaaa~~~ He's a womanizer and enjoys toying with the feelings of other girls, making them madly in love with him then dumping them out like yesterday's trash. He is incredibly perverted as well, and loves to give hints about erotic things to the heroine. OAO  Poor Nazuna! But under all his bravodo, Aoi is actually one broken up and angsty teen with a cursed past >A< He gets very sweet once you enter his shell, one of the reasons why I love this guy. >v< In addition to being incredibly Yandere, Aoi can behave like a spoiled brat and is also very oresame, plus he is kinda Tsundere as well. XDD

Kano Aoi

''The Yandere Prince''

Annnddd....... Saionji Seri-kun!!! OvO. The cool middle school shouta boy. He's incredibly Tsundere after you crack his shell in the game, But before that... Phew! T^T Seri can be one bratty little Yandere middle-schooler.

He's incredibly smart though, and skipped many grades. With the appearance of a cute girl, the onside contents are as cold as ice... KYAAA~~ Kakoii neeeeeeee!!

Saionji Seri

The cool middle school shouta

Well... These are the only two I really love. >< There are other routes too, one involving a forbidden love with the character's happy-go-lucky and sweet Onii-san!! O_o WTH??!! And, although Wabisuke may look like and behave your typical overprotective onii-san, he's actually a twisted, psychotic guy who wants Nazuna all to himself, going so far as to kill people and to chain her up in the school dungeons. Talk about yandere much! I think saying that Wabisuke is 'overprotective' is an understatement. The ass is so crazily in love with his own sister, (incest much =.=|||) that he's gone completely boinkers up in the head. talk about someone losing their marbles....

There is also a route where you can get Nazuna to fall in love with the 34 year old infirmary teacher Fuji Reito. he's pretty popular with fans, but personally, I loathe him =.='' I hate the fact he is an old man basically regardless of his good looks and charming voice. Blergh >< Secondly, I don't like his face, nor do I like his attitude. A perverted jackass I would say. (Sorry for the flame bashing btw, Fuji-sensei's fans =v=)

There is also a Yuri route (ew BTW) but I didn't play it, nor did I read the summary of it. That is a no way for me. I draw the line at yuri routes. =.=

Anyways, I really do recommend this otome game. Do play it XDD

Monday 9 July 2012

No. 6

Nezumi & Shion

Call me crazy, but I have absolutely no idea why in the world of anime to I ship these two so bad!! An I don't usually ship boy x boy couples..... But they just look so cute together!! 

Reading: No. 6 manga

Listening to: Naraku no Hana

Thinking of: 'Blank'