My OC: Aykasa Yurei

Snapshots of my OC, Aykasa Yurei

WIP: Yurei in her Alchemist's dress
She's a very brash and sharp girl. Although she has the face of a weak and sweet maiden, Yurei can actually be very rude, coarse, rowdy, and dangerous. She can take men twice her size, and finish them off with a flick of her finger. She is also very kind and caring side, with a great sense of humor, causing her teammates to enjoy her blunt jokes. However, she can sometimes be too blunt and hurt the feelings of others, but she's not a tsunshun, so she doesn't feel the need to apologize after being overly frank. She feels that what she says is right, so she should not have to apologize, instead, she will just tell the other person to toughen up. Yurei admits in one of the chapters that she believes in saying this out straight instead of beating around the bush. She also admits she hates people who are overly emotional, as this just pisses her off (one of the reasons why she hates Kitane, who is consumed by revenge, misery, and hate). Unlike the rest of the girls in her team, who mostly rely on the boys, Yurei does not like to hide behind them, showing that she is little bit of a sexist. She also prefers using her fists and legs to fight instead of weapons. The outfit she wears is a special one, made up of superfibre and lightweight material, allowing her free movement. The large slit in the shin long dress lets Yurei perform high kicks and backflips easily, providing her with a way to attack and dodge quickly. Her alchemist's boots have steel tips which enclose the toe-part of the boot, which increases the damage given to the enemy. Unfortunately, even though she is excellent in long and close range combat, her stamina is very poor, resulting in her getting tired fast in battles. Yurei gets along best with Youko, Shirogane, and Nemuru in the group. Although she is friendly to everyone, except Kitane, Yurei cannot stand Nisoku's helplessness, Sakubatou's overprotectiveness or Shinjite's habit of suspecting people. She had already developed a strong dislike for Kitane on their first meeting, but something will happen later in the story which will fix her view of him just a little bit. ^^

Yurei has the tendency to snap at people from time to time when they annoy her too much, or when she is in a bad mood. When she snaps, she can reduce even Nemuru to tears. This habit of hers caused her teammates to avoid her during the period of time when she sulks. When Yurei goes off on her own, or when she ignores people is the what indicates she is in a sucky mood. ><

Aha~ But... Only Shirogane can approach her without getting his head bitten off.

Overall, Yurei has a very strange personality, according to Sakubatou. But none of them know half of what Yurei really is. Kukukuku..... OvO

they will find out in season 2 of Lost Soul of Aykasa

Aykasa Yurei
- Eye Colour: Autumn
- Hair Colour: Ash
- Age: 16
- Weapon: Alchemy
- Type: Human (or so it seems)
- Rank: A
- Best friend: Kurosu Nemuru
- Possible love interest: Shirogane
- Possible admirer: Youko
- Hated person: Akuma Kitane (oh really?)
- Person who annoys her most: Akuma Nisoku
- Person who teases her most: Sakubatou
- Person who seems to suspect her of something: Shinjite Idane

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