Monday 9 July 2012

No. 6

Nezumi & Shion

Call me crazy, but I have absolutely no idea why in the world of anime to I ship these two so bad!! An I don't usually ship boy x boy couples..... But they just look so cute together!! 

Reading: No. 6 manga

Listening to: Naraku no Hana

Thinking of: 'Blank'

Sunday 8 July 2012


Sakura Uta

Jigoku Shoujo OST
When will the sakura flowers bloom?
They bloom when they are in their mountain homes
When will the sakura flowers smell fragrant?
When the laughing seven-year-old child plays
When will the sakura flowers dance?
When the singing seven-year-old child sleeps
When will the sakura flowers wilt?
When the dead seven-year-old child goes to heaven.
Sakura no hana wa   itsu hiraku
Yama no osato ni   itsu hiraku
Sakura no hana wa   itsu niou
Warau nana no ko   asobu koro
Sakura no hana wa   itsu odoru
Utau nana no ko   nemuru koro
Sakura no hana wa   itsu kuchiru
Shinda nana no ko   noboru koro

Quote 2

I hold it true, whate'er befall;
I feel it, when I sorrow most;
'Tis better to have loved and lost
Than never to have loved at all.
Alfred Lord Tennyson

Quote 1

True friends are never apart,
Maybe in distance,
But not at heart
